Improving the c…
I make delicious Sayama tea steamed for a long time at the Yokota farm.(publication)
“Master of the metropolitan area walk magazine walk for adults” who reflected such a feeling that wanted to move for a light feeling slightly somewhere
I convey charm versatilely in “a town”, and an expensive photograph of the quality is placed.
It is the magazine of contents in the deep contents which let you think about culture and way of life by introducing “a town” and “a person” without being confined to a town guide.
January 21 release February issue to “the Wonderland of the west-northwest!” Tokorozawa, Hanno, Iruma, Sayama
“Sayama tea road, 3:00 p.m..” I had the page take us away.
By Seibu Line the area “west-northwest” for approximately 30 minutes.
It is a park and a base and a tea plantation to see, but pays more attention to Sayama tea, dumpling, Musashino udon, the cafe & restaurant of the North Europe taste.
I regard these as “a work” and think imagination to have.
If it is too much imminent and realizes “culture” and “the tradition” that I did not notice again, I think that it is good one.
For a hand, I think that you can read It if you like.